
Today's Trip To Target

My shopping trip this afternoon is a pretty good example of how I shop. I know a lot of people who walk out of a grocery store with $100 worth of stuff for $0.50. I haven't yet figured out how to do that! But with just a little time on my part I am able to make the most of the money I spend. Here is a breakdown of what I bought today:

Pull-Ups - $9.99
- $2.00 coupon
Huggies - $9.99
- $1.50 coupon
Infant formula/baby food
- no coupons
Cascade Rinse - $3.14
- $3.14 coupon
Spray N Wash - $2.04
- $1.00 coupon
Jack's Chicken Nuggets - $3.99
- $3.99 coupon
Kellogg's Poptarts - $1.52
- $0.75 coupon
2 Kashi cereal cups - $2.00
- 2 $1.00 coupons
2 Smart Ones Meals - $4.08
- $0.48 store sale
- 2 $1.00 coupons
2 Snickers bars - $1.04
- $1.00 coupon
Original Total: $54.30
My total: $36.44
Nice, but not super impressive. I choose to look at it like this: I had to buy the Pull-Ups, Huggies, formula, and baby food anyway. If I wasn't couponing I would have spent $36.49 on just those items. Basically, I got all of the other items for free! As I get better at clipping coupons and scoping out sales my out of pocket totals will go down. For now I think I'm just off to a good start.


Sweet CuddleCakes said...

wow! where'd you get the free coupons??? that's awesome!

Emilie said...

As this blog is fairly new I have just recently started documenting my sources. I know the Kashi coupon came from here: http://www.organicgrocerydeals.com/forums/view.php?pg=coupon_generator; the Cascade coupon came from the Home Made Simple coupon booklet; and the chicken nuggets coupon came from the August All You!. As I go forward I will be adding this info to my posts.

Again, I am not sure where I first read about each of these deals, and I wish I could give credit. I know that they came from one (or all) of the three following (amazing!) blogs:
